Box cover of the board game "Sorry!" by Parker Brothers featuring colorful game pieces and a bold title.
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Sorry! (1929)


“Sorry!” is a board game that originated from the ancient Indian cross and circle game Pachisi. The game was first published by John Waddington Ltd towards the end of the 1920s, and it was described as the most fashionable and largest-selling game in England in 1934. The game was trademarked on May 21, 1929.

Why is Sorry! Popular?

“Sorry!” is a popular game because it is easy to learn and play, and it involves strategy and skill. The game has been included in Games magazine’s “Top 100 Games” multiple times, praising it as an exciting race game ideal for family play.

Game Components of Sorry!

The Game Components of Sorry! include:
– Colored printed board game
– 4 playing pieces for each player
– 2 sets of special cards
– Markers for keeping track of turns

Game Setup of Sorry!

Place the board in the center of the playing area.Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding playing pieces and cards.Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a draw pile.Determine the starting player and have them draw a card to determine the first move.

Gameplay Mechanics of Sorry!

In “Sorry!”, players move their three or four pieces around the board, aiming to reach their home space first. The moves are governed by the draw of a card rather than the throw of a dice. Players can also use special cards to gain advantages or send opponents back to the starting space.

Game Objective of Sorry!

The Game Objective of Sorry! is to move all four playing pieces around the board to reach the home space first.

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