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Solomon’s Temple (2001) Board Game

Solomon’s Temple is a board game that takes players back to ancient times, allowing them to experience the building of King Solomon’s Temple. The game is steeped in religious and historical significance, as Solomon’s Temple is a key symbol in Judaism and Christianity, known for its beauty and grandeur. Players take on the roles of two rival builders, competing to construct the temple in the most efficient and strategic way possible.

Game Components of Solomon’s Temple

  • Game board
  • 2 player boards
  • 50 temple building blocks
  • 12 Worker Meeples
  • 20 Resource Cubes
  • 2 Dice
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Solomon’s Temple

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player takes a player board and places their workers on the designated areas.
  • Shuffle the temple building blocks and place them face down on the board.
  • Place the resource cubes and dice within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Solomon’s Temple, players take turns rolling dice, collecting resources, and strategically placing temple building blocks to construct the temple. The objective is to earn the most points by efficiently utilizing resources and building the temple in a way that maximizes points.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme with historical and religious significance.
  • Strategic gameplay that encourages critical thinking and planning.
  • Beautifully designed components that enhance the overall gaming experience.
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value due to the predetermined setup of the temple building blocks.
  • Can be overwhelming for players new to board games with complex mechanics.
  • Personal Thoughts on Solomon’s Temple

    Solomon’s Temple is a unique and intriguing board game that offers a blend of historical context and strategic gameplay. The build quality is top-notch, with sturdy components that add to the immersive experience. While the game may not appeal to everyone due to its specific theme, it is definitely worth a try for those interested in ancient civilizations and religious history.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Solomon’s Temple can be found both new and used, with prices varying depending on the condition of the game. For those looking for alternatives or similar games, titles like “Carcassonne” and “Stone Age” offer similar strategic gameplay elements.

    Overall, Solomon’s Temple is a game that is worth your time if you enjoy immersive themes and strategic gameplay. It is recommended for players who appreciate historical context and are looking for a unique gaming experience. However, those who prefer lighter, more straightforward games may want to skip this one.

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