An image of a boxed board game titled "Solomons Campaign," described as an "Historical Simulation Game" set at "the time: 1500 hours, 7 August 1942," themed around air, land, and sea warfare in the Pacific in 1942. The box cover is reflective and partially obscured by glare.
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The Solomons Campaign (2008)

Solomons Campaign

“Solomons Campaign” is a two-player board wargame published by Simulations Publications Inc. (SPI) in 1973, subtitled “Air, Land, and Sea Warfare, Pacific 1942”. The game was designed by Jim Dunnigan and had graphic design by Redmond A. Simonsen. It simulates the struggle between the U.S. and Japanese forces in the Solomon Islands during World War II, focusing on the campaigns in the air, land, and sea.

Why is Solomons Campaign Popular?

The game is significant because it represents a historical event and provides a complex historical simulation of the air, sea, and land campaigns waged on and around the island of Guadalcanal in the summer and fall of 1942. It is popular among wargame enthusiasts and has received some positive reviews from critics.

Game Components of Solomons Campaign

The Game Components of Solomons Campaign include:
– A non-traditional map that divides Guadalcanal and the surrounding ocean into nineteen giant hexes.
– Counters for land forces that display abstract point values instead of representing specific units.
– Naval units that represent specific ships or task forces of smaller ships.
– Air counters that represent generic aircraft rather than specific types of airplanes.

Game Setup of Solomons Campaign

One player controls U.S. forces, and the other controls Japanese forces. The game begins with the U.S. invasion of Guadalcanal and portrays the subsequent battles in the air, land, and sea.

Gameplay Mechanics of Solomons Campaign

The gameplay involves players taking turns moving their forces and engaging in combat. The game is complex and can be challenging for new players, as it requires a deep understanding of the rules and strategies involved in wargaming.

Game Objective of Solomons Campaign

The objective of the game is to control the most territory and resources by the end of the game, which represents the end of the Solomon Islands Campaign in 1942.

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