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Sock Monsters (2020) Board Game

Sock Monsters is a children’s memory game that was released in 2020 by Lifestyle Boardgames Ltd. Designed by Liesbeth Bos and Anja Dreier-Brückner, the game features a fun theme centered around laundry and socks, with players trying to match pairs of colorful sock monsters. The game is suitable for 2-4 players, with a runtime of 15-25 minutes and an age recommendation of 6+.

Game Components of Sock Monsters

  • 40 Sock Monster cards
  • 1 Sock Sack
  • 1 Washing Machine cardboard spinner
  • How To Setup Sock Monsters

  • Shuffle the Sock Monster cards and place them face down in the center of the playing area.
  • Place the Sock Sack and Washing Machine spinner nearby.
  • Decide who will go first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns flipping over two Sock Monster cards at a time, trying to find matching pairs of monsters. If they successfully match a pair, they get to keep the cards. The game continues until all pairs have been found. The player with the most pairs at the end of the game wins.

    Player Experience


  • Colorful and engaging artwork
  • Easy to learn and play, making it suitable for young children
  • Encourages memory and matching skills
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value for older players
  • Game may be too simple for some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Sock Monsters

    Sock Monsters is a delightful and charming children’s game that is perfect for family game nights or as a classroom activity. The game’s build quality is sturdy, with vibrant and whimsical artwork that appeals to young players. While the game may not offer much depth for older players, it does a great job of engaging children and helping them develop memory and matching skills.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Sock Monsters is fairly affordable and can be found in both new and used condition. For families looking for a fun and educational game to play with young children, Sock Monsters is definitely worth considering. However, older players or those seeking more strategic gameplay may want to look into alternative games with a bit more complexity. Overall, Sock Monsters is a charming addition to any family’s game collection and is sure to provide hours of entertainment for young players.

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