Box of the board game "SIEGE" with medieval battle imagery and a small picture of the game contents, lying on a wooden floor.



The game was developed by Mythic Games, a company known for their passion and dedication to creating high-quality board games.

Historical Background

The game is set during the Siege of Vienna in 1683, which was a significant event in Austrian history. The game aims to capture the atmosphere and strategies of the time, making it an immersive experience for players.

Game Components of Siege

Siege comes with a historical background booklet, a scenario booklet with suggestions for 8 games, a record sheet, and a 20-sided dice.

Game Setup of Siege

Players take turns placing their pieces on the board, representing troops and buildings, and then roll the dice to determine the outcome of battles and movements.

Gameplay Mechanics of Siege

The game is a wargame, where players control armies and engage in combat to achieve their objectives. The mechanics are designed to be simple yet tactical, allowing for a deep and immersive experience.

Game Objective of Siege

The goal of the game is to achieve victory by controlling key locations on the board and defeating opposing forces.

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