A sealed board game called "Santorini" by Gordon Hamilton, featuring cartoon-style artwork with two characters, one holding a trident and the other with flowing hair, against a backdrop of the game's stylized white buildings with blue domes. The tagline "Build like a mortal, win like a god" appears at the top. Age recommendation and warning labels are visible at the bottom.
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Santorini (2016)

Santorini: An Abstract Strategy Board Game

Santorini is an abstract strategy board game designed by Gordon Hamilton in 1985, published in 2004, and republished via Kickstarter in 2016 by Roxley Games. The game is inspired by the architecture of cliffside villages on Santorini Island in Greece and is primarily designed for two players. The game is played on a grid, where each turn, players build a town by placing building pieces up to three levels high. To win the game, players must move one of their two characters to the third level of the town.

Key Features:

– Abstract strategy: Santorini combines strategy and world-building, making it an engaging and challenging game for players.
– Replayability: The game has been continually developed, enhanced, and refined by its designer, Gordon Hamilton, since its original inception over 30 years ago.
– Visual appeal: The three-dimensional board constructed during the game is not only functional but also serves as a beautiful ornamental centerpiece.

Game Components of Santorini:

– A grid board
– Building pieces for each player
– Two characters for each player
– A starting player marker

Gameplay Mechanics and Setup of Santorini:

To set up the game, players place the grid board in the center of the table and randomly determine the starting player. Each player chooses a character and places it on the starting line of their chosen side of the grid. The game proceeds with players taking turns to build their towns and move their characters up the levels. The first player to move one of their characters to the third level of the town wins the game.

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