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Sabacc (2019) Board Game

Sabacc is a fictional card game that originated in the Star Wars universe. It first appeared in the 1980 novel “Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu” and has since been featured in various Star Wars books, movies, and games. The game is known for its unpredictable nature, as the rules can change during gameplay due to the use of special cards and dice.

Game Components of Sabacc

  • Sabacc deck of cards
  • 2 six-sided dice
  • 62 cards in total, including 60 numbered cards and 2 special cards
  • Standard playing cards
  • How To Setup Sabacc

  • Shuffle the deck of Sabacc cards and deal a hand to each player.
  • Each player is also dealt two cards face down as their hand.
  • Decide who will be the dealer for the round.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players aim to have a hand that totals closest to zero or negative while avoiding going over

  • Special rules and cards can change the values of cards, adding an element of strategy and luck to the game. Players can also bluff and manipulate the game by using the dice to change card values.
  • Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay with a mix of strategy and luck
  • Fans of the Star Wars universe will enjoy the theme and references
  • Easy to learn for new players
  • Cons:

  • Game can be unpredictable and frustrating for some players
  • Limited replay value for those not familiar with the Star Wars universe
  • Requires a minimum of 2 players to play
  • Personal Thoughts on Sabacc

    Sabacc is a fun and unique card game that offers a blend of strategy and luck. The game’s build quality is decent, with colorful cards and dice that add to the overall theme. Pricing and availability for Sabacc can vary, with used versions being more affordable than new ones. For fans of Star Wars and those looking for a new card game to try, Sabacc is worth your time. However, for those who prefer more traditional card games or are not familiar with the Star Wars universe, it may not be the best fit. Overall, Sabacc offers a different gaming experience that is worth exploring for those intrigued by its concept.

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