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Rush Hour Shift (2015) Board Game

Rush Hour Shift is a two-player board game released in 2015, designed by Alex Siedband and published by ThinkFun. It is a variation of the classic Rush Hour puzzle game, where players must strategically move their cars to be the first to reach the exit. The game is recommended for players aged 8 and above and has a runtime of 5-15 minutes.

Game Components of Rush Hour Shift

  • Game board
  • 10 cars in two colors
  • 2 escape cars
  • 40 challenge cards
  • Instructions
  • How To Setup Rush Hour Shift

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding cars and escape car.
  • Shuffle the challenge cards and place them face down.
  • Each player draws a challenge card to determine starting positions for their cars.
  • The player who can jump their escape car out of the exit space first wins.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Rush Hour Shift, players take turns moving their cars and escape car to navigate through the traffic jam on the game board. The objective is to be the first to move your escape car out of the exit space. Players must strategize and plan their moves carefully to outmaneuver their opponent and reach the exit first.

    Player Experience


  • Quick and easy setup
  • Strategic gameplay that challenges players’ planning skills
  • Portable and great for travel
  • Suitable for players of all ages
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability once players have mastered the challenges
  • Some players may find the game too simplistic or lacking in depth
  • Personal Thoughts on Rush Hour Shift

    Rush Hour Shift is a fun and engaging two-player game that offers a challenging and strategic experience. The game’s build quality is sturdy, and the components are well-designed. While the game may not have endless replay value, it is a great option for quick games with friends or family. The pricing and availability of Rush Hour Shift are reasonable, making it a worthwhile addition to any board game collection.

    Overall, Rush Hour Shift is worth your time if you enjoy puzzle games with a competitive edge. It is suitable for players of all ages, but those who prefer more complex gameplay may find it lacking. If you are a fan of the original Rush Hour or similar puzzle games, Rush Hour Shift is a worthy alternative to try out.

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