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Royalists & Roundheads III (1993) Board Game

Royalists & Roundheads III is a board game that focuses on the English Civil War, a significant historical event that took place in the 17th century between supporters of the monarchy (Royalists) and supporters of Parliament (Roundheads). The game allows players to recreate key battles and strategic decisions from this tumultuous period in English history.

Game Components of Royalists & Roundheads III

  • Hexagon Grid Game Board
  • Unit Counters
  • Rulebook
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Royalists & Roundheads III

  • Lay out the game board
  • Place unit counters on their designated starting positions
  • Review the rulebook for gameplay instructions
  • Roll the dice to determine starting player
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their units across the hexagon grid, strategically positioning them to engage in combat with the opposing forces. The objective is to eliminate the enemy units and control key territories on the board to secure victory.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging strategic gameplay
  • Historical theme adds depth to the experience
  • Suitable for 2 players, making it a great option for dueling wargame enthusiasts
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Rules may be complex for newcomers to the genre
  • Game components could be more visually appealing
  • Personal Thoughts on Royalists & Roundheads III

    Royalists & Roundheads III offers a decent wargaming experience for those interested in the English Civil War period. The game’s mechanics provide a good balance of strategy and historical accuracy, but its limited replay value may deter some players. Additionally, the game’s components could benefit from a visual upgrade to enhance the overall experience.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Royalists & Roundheads III can be found in both new and used conditions, with prices varying depending on the seller. Alternatives to this game include other historical wargames such as “Battle Cry” or “Commands & Colors: Ancients.” Whether Royalists & Roundheads III is worth your time ultimately depends on your interest in the English Civil War and strategic wargaming. It may be more appealing to history buffs or wargame enthusiasts looking for a niche gaming experience. However, those seeking a more visually stunning or replayable game may want to explore other options.

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