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Robot Turtles (2013) Board Game

Robot Turtles is a children’s board game designed by Dan Shapiro and released in in 2013. The game was created as a way to introduce young children to the basic principles of programming and coding in a fun and engaging way.

Game Components of Robot Turtles

  • Game board
  • Instruction manual
  • Robot figurines
  • Programming cards
  • Jewel tokens
  • How To Setup Robot Turtles

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a robot figurine and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the programming cards and place them face down on the table.
  • Place the jewel tokens within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Robot Turtles, players take turns playing programming cards to move their robots around the board, collecting jewels along the way. The objective is to reach the designated jewel space before the other players.

    Player Experience


  • Teaches basic programming concepts in a fun and accessible way
  • Encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Suitable for a wide age range, from 4 years old and up
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value for older players
  • Game can feel repetitive after multiple playthroughs
  • Personal Thoughts on Robot Turtles

    Robot Turtles is a well-designed game that effectively introduces young children to the world of programming. The build quality is solid, and the components are durable. The game falls within the children’s game category and is reasonably priced for the educational value it provides. Both new and used copies are readily available for purchase.

    For parents looking to introduce their children to programming concepts in a fun and interactive way, Robot Turtles is definitely worth considering. However, older players or those looking for more complexity may find the game lacking. Overall, Robot Turtles is a great educational tool for young children who enjoy board games.

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