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Red Outpost (2019) Board Game

Red Outpost is a board game set in a communist utopia in space, where players take on the roles of Soviet leaders working to build a new society on a distant planet. The game combines elements of worker placement and area majority/influence mechanics to create a unique gaming experience.

Game Components of Red Outpost

  • Game board
  • Player boards
  • Worker meeples
  • Resource tokens
  • Influence tokens
  • Mission cards
  • Event cards
  • How To Setup Red Outpost

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Give each player a player board and worker meeples.
  • Shuffle the mission and event cards and place them in their designated areas.
  • Place the resource and influence tokens within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players must strategically place their workers on different locations on the board to gather resources, complete missions, and gain influence over key areas. The main objective is to earn the most influence points by the end of the game.

    Player Experience


  • Unique theme and setting
  • Engaging gameplay with strategic decision-making
  • Well-balanced mechanics that offer a variety of paths to victory
  • Cons

  • Learning curve for new players
  • Limited player interaction
  • Replayability may be an issue for some
  • Personal Thoughts on Red Outpost

    Red Outpost is a visually stunning game with a compelling theme that sets it apart from other board games. The build quality is top-notch, with attention to detail in both the artwork and components. The game falls in the category of farming, industry/manufacturing, and science fiction, offering a blend of different genres that may appeal to a wide range of players.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Red Outpost is reasonably priced for the quality of components and gameplay it offers. Both new and used copies can be found online, making it accessible to a wider audience.

    For those who enjoy worker placement games with a unique twist, Red Outpost is definitely worth your time. Players who appreciate strategic decision-making and thematic gameplay will find this game engaging and rewarding. However, those who prefer high player interaction or are looking for a more casual gaming experience may want to skip this one. Overall, Red Outpost is a solid choice for fans of the genre and a welcome addition to any board game collection.

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