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Ravnica: Inquisition (2019) Board Game

Ravnica: Inquisition is a deduction and party game released in 2019 by WizKids. Set in the popular Magic: The Gathering universe of Ravnica, players take on the roles of different guild members trying to uncover the identities of their opponents while keeping their own hidden. The game features elements of betting, bluffing, negotiation, player elimination, and simultaneous action selection.

Game Components of Ravnica: Inquisition

  • Rulebook
  • 10 Guild cards
  • 10 Role cards
  • 20 Alignment tokens
  • 20 Loyalty tokens
  • 10 Alignment cards
  • 1 First Player token
  • How To Setup Ravnica: Inquisition

  • Shuffle the Guild cards and Role cards separately.
  • Each player randomly selects a Guild card and a Role card.
  • Distribute Alignment tokens and Loyalty tokens to each player.
  • Place Alignment cards face down in the center of the play area.
  • Choose a starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns performing actions such as revealing their alignment, making accusations, and negotiating with other players. The objective is to determine the alignments of all players in the game. The game ends when one player correctly guesses the alignments of all other players.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay, perfect for parties or game nights.
  • Engaging deduction mechanics keep players on their toes.
  • Strategic bluffing and negotiation add layers of depth to the game.
  • Cons

  • Player elimination can leave some participants feeling left out.
  • Requires a minimum of 5 players to play, limiting its appeal for smaller gatherings.
  • Personal Thoughts on Ravnica: Inquisition

    Ravnica: Inquisition is a fun and engaging party game that offers a unique twist on the deduction genre. The game’s components are well-made and the artwork captures the essence of the Ravnica setting. While the player elimination aspect may not appeal to everyone, the strategic gameplay and social interactions make it a worthwhile addition to any game night lineup.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Ravnica: Inquisition can be found at various retailers both new and used. Its category as a deduction and party game positions it as a versatile choice for a wide range of players. Alternatives and similar games include Codenames, Secret Hitler, and The Resistance, making it a solid choice for fans of social deduction games.

    Ultimately, whether or not Ravnica: Inquisition is worth your time will depend on your preferences for party games and deduction mechanics. It is best suited for groups of 7-8 players, though it can accommodate up to

  • Those who enjoy bluffing, negotiation, and quick gameplay will likely find it to be a worthwhile investment. On the other hand, individuals who prefer smaller, more intimate gaming experiences may want to skip this one.
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