Board game "Quoridor" with its box, board, wooden pieces, and instructions displayed.
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Quoridor (1997)


Quoridor is a popular abstract strategy board game designed by Mirko Marchesi, who also created the earlier game Blockade (also known as Cul-de-sac) in 1975. The game has been developed from a labyrinth-like game called Pinko Pallino, which was published in 1995. Quoridor received the Mensa Mind Game award in 1997 and has been recognized as the Game of the Year in the USA, France, Canada, and Belgium.

Why is Quoridor Popular?

Quoridor is a simple yet deep game that requires strategy and skill to play. The objective is to advance your pawn to the opposite edge of the board. On your turn, you may either move your pawn or place a wall, hindering your opponent’s progress while trying to reach the opposite side. The game is popular for its:
– Abstract strategy: The game combines abstract strategy with a simple set of rules, making it accessible to players of all skill levels.
– Short playtime: Quoridor has an average playtime of 15 minutes, making it suitable for quick games or as an introduction to strategy games.
– Easy to learn: The game is easy to teach and understand, allowing players to jump right into the action.

Game Components of Quoridor

The game board is a 9×9 square grid, and each player is represented by a pawn that starts at the center space of one edge of the board. The game also includes 20 walls, which can be placed to hinder opponents’ progress.

Game Setup of Quoridor

– Place the game board in the center of the table.
– Each player chooses a pawn of a different color and places it at the center space of one edge of the board.
– In a two-player game, the pawns start opposite each other.
– Each player is dealt a hand of five walls.

Gameplay Mechanics of Quoridor

– On your turn, you may either move your pawn or place a wall. Diagonal moves (L-shaped jumps) are allowed when a pawn is otherwise blocked from moving forward. The game ends when one player reaches the opposite side of the board.

Game Objective of Quoridor

The objective of the game is to be the first player to move their pawn to any space on the opposite side of the game board from which it begins.

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