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Quebec 1759 (1972) Board Game

Quebec 1759 is a historical wargame that simulates the famous battle of Quebec during the French and Indian War. The game allows players to experience the strategic challenges faced by both the French and British forces in their quest for control of North America.

Game Components of Quebec 1759

  • Game board depicting the battlefield
  • Player pieces representing French and British forces
  • Dice for resolving combat
  • Rulebook with instructions and historical background
  • How To Setup Quebec 1759

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a side to play as – French or British.
  • Place the corresponding player pieces on the designated starting locations.
  • Roll dice to determine which player goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their forces across the board, engaging in combat, and strategically deploying units to gain control of key areas. The objective is to either capture Quebec City or defend it, depending on which side the player is on.

    Player Experience


  • Historically accurate representation of the battle of Quebec
  • Engaging gameplay with strategic depth
  • Suitable for two players looking for a challenging wargame experience
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value due to fixed scenario
  • Rules can be complex for beginners
  • Lack of variety in components
  • Personal Thoughts on Quebec 1759

    Quebec 1759 offers a unique and immersive experience for history buffs and wargame enthusiasts. The attention to historical detail and strategic gameplay make it a worthwhile addition to any collection. However, the fixed scenario and lack of variety may deter some players looking for more replayability. Overall, Quebec 1759 is worth your time if you enjoy the Age of Reason and American Indian Wars themes.

    For whom: History enthusiasts, wargame fans
    Who should skip: Casual gamers, those seeking replayability and variety in components

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