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Quartett Board Game

Quartett is a classic card game that originated in Germany in the mid-19th century. It is a popular game among children and families, known for its simple rules and educational value. The game features a variety of topics, from animals to comic book characters, making it engaging for players of all ages.

Game Components of Quartett

  • A deck of cards with various categories and themes
  • Instructions on how to play
  • How To Setup Quartett

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Deal an equal number of cards to each player.
  • Choose a category to start with.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Quartett, players take turns asking each other for specific cards based on a chosen category. The objective is to collect as many sets of four matching cards (or quartets) as possible.

    Player Experience


  • Simple rules make it easy for children to learn and play
  • Educational value in learning about different categories
  • Encourages strategic thinking and memory skills
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability for older players
  • Luck can play a significant factor in the game
  • Personal Thoughts on Quartett

    Quartett is a fun and educational game that is perfect for families with young children. The build quality of the cards is durable, making them suitable for repeated use. The game’s category diversity offers a wide range of topics to keep players engaged.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Quartett is relatively affordable and can be found in both new and used condition. Alternatives to Quartett include similar card games like Go Fish or Old Maid. Overall, Quartett is worth your time if you enjoy simple card games that are both entertaining and educational. It is recommended for families and children aged 3 and up, while those looking for more complex gameplay may want to skip it.

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