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Prince’s Gambit (2018) Board Game

Prince’s Gambit is a board game released in 2018 by Onyx Path Publishing. It is a game that combines elements of horror, negotiation, and spies/secret agents. With a playtime of 30-60 minutes and designed for 6-8 players aged 18 and up, it offers a unique gaming experience for those who enjoy bluffing, betting, and strategic decision-making.

Game Components of Prince’s Gambit

  • Cards depicting various characters and actions
  • Tokens for tracking player health and influence
  • Rulebook with detailed instructions
  • Player aids for reference during gameplay
  • How To Setup Prince’s Gambit

  • Shuffle the deck of cards and deal a starting hand to each player.
  • Place the tokens in a central location accessible to all players.
  • Choose a starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Prince’s Gambit, players take on the roles of secret agents working to uncover a traitor in their midst. Through bluffing, negotiation, and strategic alliances, players must deduce the identity of the traitor while protecting their own interests. The game involves betting on outcomes, voting on actions, and utilizing unique player powers to gain an advantage. The objective is to eliminate the traitor and emerge victorious as a loyal agent.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay with opportunities for strategic thinking
  • Social interaction and negotiation add depth to the game
  • Variable player powers create replayability and diverse strategies
  • Cons:

  • High player count may lead to downtime between turns
  • Learning curve for new players can be steep
  • Limited components may restrict variety in gameplay
  • Personal Thoughts on Prince’s Gambit

    Prince’s Gambit offers a compelling blend of deduction, bluffing, and social interaction that can appeal to players who enjoy games of intrigue and strategy. The game’s mechanics are well-designed, providing a challenging experience for those looking to test their wits against their opponents. However, the game’s reliance on player interaction may not suit everyone’s gaming preferences, and those seeking a more solitary experience may find it lacking.

    In terms of build quality, Prince’s Gambit features durable components that hold up well to repeated gameplay. The game’s category of horror, negotiation, and spies/secret agents may appeal to fans of thematic games that require player engagement and strategic thinking. Pricing and availability for both new and used copies vary, so it’s worth shopping around to find the best deal.

    Overall, Prince’s Gambit is a game worth considering for players who enjoy social deduction games with a twist. While it may not be suitable for all gaming groups, it offers a unique experience for those willing to delve into the world of espionage and betrayal. Players who enjoy games like The Resistance or Secret Hitler may find Prince’s Gambit to be a worthy addition to their collection, while those seeking a more traditional gaming experience may want to skip this one.

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