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Praetor (2014) Board Game

Praetor is a board game that was released in 2014 by NSKN Games. Designed by Andrei Novac, the game falls under the categories of Ancient, City Building, and Economic. Praetor is set in ancient Rome, where players take on the roles of Roman engineers working on the construction of the city. With its unique gameplay mechanics and strategic elements, Praetor has gained popularity among board game enthusiasts.

Game Components of Praetor

  • Game board
  • Player boards
  • Resource tokens
  • Building tiles
  • Worker meeples
  • Influence markers
  • Victory point tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Praetor

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player receives a player board and sets their influence markers to the starting positions.
  • Shuffle the building tiles and place them face down on the designated area on the board.
  • Place the resource tokens and victory point tokens nearby.
  • Determine the starting player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Praetor, players take turns strategically placing workers to gather resources, construct buildings, and earn victory points. The game features delayed purchase, market, modular board, ownership, and tile placement mechanics. The objective of the game is to earn the most victory points by efficiently managing resources and constructing buildings.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay with strategic depth
  • Unique theme set in ancient Rome
  • Balanced mix of resource management and city building
  • Replayability with different strategies to explore
  • Cons

  • Learning curve for new players
  • Luck can play a factor in resource availability
  • Requires careful planning to optimize actions
  • Personal Thoughts on Praetor

    Praetor offers a compelling experience for players who enjoy city building and resource management games. The game’s thematic elements, combined with its strategic gameplay mechanics, make for an immersive and challenging gaming experience. While there may be a learning curve for new players, the depth of strategy and replayability make Praetor a worthwhile addition to any board game collection.

    In terms of build quality, Praetor features detailed artwork and sturdy components that enhance the overall gaming experience. The pricing and availability of the game may vary, but it is worth considering for players who appreciate the ancient Roman theme and strategic gameplay.

    For those looking for alternatives or similar games, Praetor can be compared to titles like “Through the Ages” and “7 Wonders.” If you enjoy games that require careful planning and resource management, Praetor is definitely worth your time. However, players who prefer lighter or luck-based games may want to skip this one. Ultimately, Praetor is a solid choice for gamers looking for a challenging and immersive city building experience.

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