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Pollen (2023) Board Game

Pollen is a board game released in 2023, designed by Beth Sobel and featuring artwork by Allplay. The game falls under the category of area majority/influence with a gardening and nature theme. Players take on the role of insects competing to gather pollen and influence the garden.

Game Components of Pollen

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Pollen tokens
  • Influence tiles
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Pollen

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the influence tiles and place them face down in a stack.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes their player tokens and pollen tokens.
  • Randomly determine the starting player.
  • Place each player’s tokens on the corresponding starting spaces on the board.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Pollen, players take turns placing their tokens on the garden grid to collect pollen and gain influence over different areas. The objective is to have the most influence in the garden by the end of the game. Players can also strategically block their opponents from gaining control of certain areas.

    Player Experience


  • Beautiful artwork and theme
  • Strategic gameplay with area control elements
  • Quick playtime of 30–45 minutes
  • Cons

  • Limited player interaction
  • Rules can be a bit complex for new players
  • Personal Thoughts on Pollen

    Pollen is a visually stunning game with a unique theme that sets it apart from other board games. The gameplay is engaging and offers a good balance of strategy and luck. However, the limited player interaction may not appeal to everyone, and the rules can be a bit overwhelming for new players.

    In terms of build quality, Pollen offers sturdy components that are durable and well-designed. The pricing and availability of the game may vary, but it can be found on Kickstarter or through other board game retailers.

    For those who enjoy area majority games with a nature theme, Pollen is definitely worth checking out. However, players looking for more player interaction may want to explore other options. Overall, Pollen is a solid addition to any board game collection and is suitable for players aged 11 and up.

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