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Pocket Pharma (2018) Board Game

Pocket Pharma is a card game that was released in in 2018. Designed by Sebastian Koziner and Alexandra Petruk, this game is all about managing a pharmaceutical company and manufacturing drugs to cure illnesses. The game is set in a fictional world where players compete to be the most successful pharmaceutical company.

Game Components of Pocket Pharma

  • Cards representing various drugs and illnesses
  • Tokens for tracking victory points
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Pocket Pharma

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Deal each player a starting hand of cards.
  • Place the victory point tokens in the center of the table.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns drafting cards and building patterns to manufacture drugs. The objective is to earn the most victory points by curing illnesses efficiently.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay (15-30 minutes)
  • Simple rules make it easy to learn
  • Strategic depth in card drafting and pattern building
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction
  • Luck plays a role in card draws
  • Personal Thoughts on Pocket Pharma

    Pocket Pharma is a fun and engaging card game that offers a unique theme in the industry/manufacturing genre. The build quality is good, with vibrant artwork on the cards. The pricing is reasonable for the components included. It is available both new and used, making it accessible to a wide range of players.

    For those who enjoy strategy games with a twist, Pocket Pharma is definitely worth your time. It is suitable for players aged 8 and up, making it a great family game. However, if you prefer games with more player interaction or in-depth strategy, you may want to skip this one.

    Overall, Pocket Pharma offers a refreshing take on the industry/manufacturing genre and provides a fun and challenging gameplay experience for players of all ages.

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