Vintage "Pirate and Traveler Game" board game box featuring a colorful world map with routes, ships, and treasure chest illustrations, accompanied by text and the Milton Bradley logo, laying on a wooden surface.
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Pirate and Traveler (1908)

Pirate and Traveler

Pirate and Traveler is a board game published by Milton Bradley in 1911. Revised editions were published in 1936, 1953, 1956, 1960, and 1970. The game is no longer in production and is now considered a vintage collectible board game.

Why is Pirate and Traveler Popular?

Pirate and Traveler is a “geography, pirate, adventure” game. It helped generations of kids learn geography. The game is significant because it is one of the earliest board games that combined geography and adventure.

Game Components of Pirate and Traveler

Game board, Travel cards, Spinner, Pawns, Box art. Details of the game board, travel cards, spinner, pawns, and box art varied between edition years.

Game Setup of Pirate and Traveler

The game is played with 2 to 4 players. Each player chooses a colored game piece, termed a “traveler”.

Gameplay Mechanics of Pirate and Traveler

Gameplay involves drawing a travel card which dictates the journeys that are to be made by the travelers. The distance to be traveled in each move is determined by spinning a numbered wheel. The player moves their traveler the corresponding number of spaces on the game board until they reach their destination. The routes of travel were based on well-known railroad and steamship lines, and major cities and ports throughout the world.

Game Objective of Pirate and Traveler

The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach all of their randomly assigned destinations.

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