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Pictureka! Flipper (2009) Board Game

Pictureka! Flipper is a fun and engaging board game that was released in 2009 by Hasbro. Designed by Glenn D’Hondt and Sylvia Meert, this game is perfect for family gatherings and parties, with a runtime that can vary based on the number of players. The game features cute and quirky illustrations by the designers themselves, making it visually appealing for players of all ages.

Game Components of Pictureka! Flipper

  • Pictureka! Flipper game board
  • 9 double-sided tiles
  • 3 penguin movers
  • 100 mission cards
  • Instructions
  • How To Setup Pictureka! Flipper

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the tiles and place them face down around the board.
  • Each player chooses a penguin mover and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the mission cards and place them face down within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Pictureka! Flipper is to be the first player to complete 7 missions. Players take turns flipping tiles and trying to match the mission cards. The missions can range from finding a specific item on the board to completing a mini-game challenge. The fast-paced nature of the game keeps players engaged and on their toes, making it a thrilling experience for all.

    Player Experience


  • Easy to learn and play, suitable for players of all ages
  • Quick gameplay makes it perfect for parties and gatherings
  • The variety of missions adds replay value and keeps the game exciting
  • Cons:

  • Some missions may be challenging for younger players
  • Limited player interaction may not appeal to those looking for more strategic gameplay
  • Personal Thoughts on Pictureka! Flipper

    Pictureka! Flipper is a delightful and entertaining game that offers a perfect balance of fun and challenge. The build quality of the components is sturdy and durable, ensuring that the game will last for many play sessions. While the game falls under the party game category, its puzzle elements make it a unique and engaging experience for players of all skill levels. The pricing for both used and new versions of the game is reasonable, making it accessible to a wide audience. Overall, Pictureka! Flipper is definitely worth your time if you enjoy light-hearted games with a touch of strategy. It’s a great choice for families, casual gamers, and anyone looking to add a bit of excitement to their game nights. Players who prefer more complex gameplay or intense competition may want to skip this one in favor of other options.

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