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Pechvogel (2018) Board Game

Pechvogel, translated as “Unlucky Bird,” is a board game designed by Doris Matthäus and published in 2018 by Zoch Verlag. The game is centered around a group of birds trying to collect as many worms as possible while avoiding the unlucky bird, Pechvogel.

Game Components of Pechvogel

  • Game board
  • 5 bird figures
  • 20 worms
  • 1 Pechvogel figure
  • 1 dice
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Pechvogel

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Place the worms in a pile on the designated space.
  • Place the Pechvogel figure on its starting space.
  • Each player chooses a bird figure and places it on the starting space.
  • Roll the dice to determine the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their bird figures around the board to collect worms. The player must decide whether to push their luck and continue moving or stop and collect the worms they have gathered. If a player lands on the same space as the Pechvogel, they lose all their collected worms.

    The objective of the game is to collect the most worms by the end of the game without encountering the Pechvogel.

    Player Experience


  • Simple and easy-to-learn rules
  • Quick gameplay, perfect for a short session
  • Fun and engaging for players of all ages
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction
  • Luck-based gameplay may not appeal to all players
  • Personal Thoughts on Pechvogel

    Pechvogel is a charming and light-hearted game that is perfect for family game nights or casual gaming sessions. The game’s components are well-made, and the artwork is delightful. However, the gameplay may feel repetitive after a few plays, and the luck factor may frustrate some players.

    Overall, Pechvogel is a fun game that is worth trying out, especially for those who enjoy dice-rolling and push-your-luck mechanics. It is suitable for players of all ages, but those seeking deep strategic gameplay may want to look for other options. It is available at a reasonable price and can be found both new and used.

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