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Pax Pamir: Second Edition (2019) Board Game

Pax Pamir: Second Edition is a board game designed by Cole Wehrle, known for his intricate and strategic game designs. Published in 2019 by Wehrlegig Games, this game is set in the 19th century in Afghanistan and Central Asia during the Great Game era. Players take on the roles of powerful Afghan tribal leaders, seeking to manipulate and control the political landscape to their advantage.

Game Components of Pax Pamir: Second Edition

  • Game board
  • Player mats
  • Influence cubes
  • Cards (Dynasty, Event, and Decree)
  • Tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Pax Pamir: Second Edition

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding player mat and influence cubes.
  • Shuffle the cards and place them in their respective decks on the board.
  • Place tokens in their designated spots.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for specific details.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players use a combination of action points, area majority/influence, area movement, and hand management to expand their influence, gain wealth, and manipulate the political landscape. The objective is to have the most points by the end of the game, which is achieved through various means such as controlling key regions, gaining favor with powerful figures, and achieving personal objectives.

    Player Experience


  • Deep strategic gameplay
  • Unique theme and setting
  • Engaging player interaction and negotiation
  • High replayability
  • Beautiful artwork and components
  • Cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new players
  • Can be overwhelming with multiple players
  • Requires careful planning and foresight
  • Personal Thoughts on Pax Pamir: Second Edition

    Pax Pamir: Second Edition is a game that truly immerses players in the intricate political landscape of 19th-century Afghanistan. The game’s build quality is top-notch, with beautiful artwork and components that enhance the overall experience. While the game may be intimidating for new players, it offers a rewarding and engaging gameplay experience for those willing to invest the time to learn its mechanics.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Pax Pamir: Second Edition falls within the mid to high range for board games of its caliber. It can be found both new and used, but it may be a bit challenging to track down due to its niche appeal.

    For fans of strategic and political games, Pax Pamir: Second Edition is definitely worth your time. However, those looking for a more casual gaming experience may want to skip this one due to its complexity and depth. Overall, this game is a gem for enthusiasts of the genre and offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience.

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