The image shows the box cover of the "OUTPOST 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition" board game by James Hlavaty, featuring sci-fi artwork with alien figures and a space landscape, with a sun and planet in the background. The box also indicates the game includes "Tom Lehmann's Kicker Expansion," is for players aged 12 and up, and accommodates 2-9 players. The Stronghold Games logo is visible in the bottom right corner.
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Outpost (1991)


“Outpost” is a board game published by TimJim Games from 1991 to 1994. The game was designed to be simple and accessible, with a playing time of 1.5 to 3 hours. The goal of the game is for players to compete to acquire victory points through stylized economic activity using production output cards to buy more factories and population, and special ability cards, including the titular Outpost. In 2011, Stronghold Games reprinted Outpost with a new “kicker” mechanic, providing additional cards to bid on.

Why is Outpost Popular?

Outpost is a popular game because it offers players a simple and engaging economic experience in a space colony setting. The game combines elements of strategy, competition, and cooperation, making it appealing to a wide range of players. Additionally, the game’s theme of building and managing a space colony resonates with the general public’s interest in space exploration and the future of humanity in outer space.

Game Components of Outpost

The Game Components of Outpost include:
– Factory and population tokens
– Production output cards
– Special ability cards, including the Outpost
– Chits for tracking resources and victory points

Game Setup of Outpost

Each player starts with factory and population tokens. Shuffle the production output cards and place them face down in a draw pile. Determine a starting player and have them take the first turn.

Gameplay Mechanics of Outpost

On each turn, players take turns to perform actions, which include:
– Bidding on production output cards to acquire more resources and victory points
– Using resources to build and staff factories
– Upgrading factories with special ability cards
– Selling goods to the market to gain victory points

Game Objective of Outpost

The goal of the game is to acquire the most victory points through economic activity and smart strategic play.

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