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Ostindien Company (1996) Board Game

Ostindien Company is a board game that was released in 1996 by the designer Piatnik. The game is set in the 18th century and focuses on the trading activities of the Ostindien Company, a fictional trading company inspired by the historical East India Companies.

Game Components of Ostindien Company

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Cargo tiles
  • Ship cards
  • Resource cards
  • Money
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Ostindien Company

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player selects a player token and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the cargo tiles and place them face down on the designated area of the board.
  • Shuffle the ship cards and resource cards and place them in their respective decks.
  • Distribute starting money to each player.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for the starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Ostindien Company, players take on the roles of merchants seeking to amass wealth through trading activities. The primary objective of the game is to acquire the most valuable cargo and deliver it to the designated ports for profit. Players can also engage in bluffing and negotiation to outsmart their opponents and gain an advantage.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging gameplay that requires strategic thinking and decision-making.
  • Interactive elements such as bluffing and negotiation add depth to the game.
  • Replay value due to the variability of cargo tiles and player interactions.
  • Cons

  • Learning curve for new players may be steep.
  • Limited player count of 3-5 players may not accommodate larger gaming groups.
  • Personal Thoughts on Ostindien Company

    Ostindien Company is a well-crafted board game that offers a unique blend of strategy and player interaction. The thematic elements of trading and negotiation make for an immersive gaming experience. The build quality of the components is solid, and the artwork captures the nautical theme effectively.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Ostindien Company may be harder to find as it was released in in 1996. However, it is worth seeking out for fans of bluffing and pick-up-and-deliver mechanics. Alternatives and similar games in the same category include Merchants & Marauders and Black Fleet.

    Overall, Ostindien Company is a game that is worth your time if you enjoy strategic gameplay with a thematic twist. It is recommended for players who appreciate historical settings and engaging player interactions. However, those who prefer quicker-paced games or larger player counts may want to skip this one.

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