Image of a board game titled "SHŌBU" with the subtitle "THE GAME OF INFLUENCE" on the box cover, which features artistic depictions of a flying egret carrying a stone while a crawfish with a human-like posture observes a chessboard pattern with game pieces, set against a background with wave patterns.
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Oshi (2006)


“Oshi” (押) is a strategy board game inspired by a Japanese legend in which the Goddess Amaterasu gifted the first Japanese emperor with her ancient wisdom, in the form of a game. The game was designed by Tyler Bielman and published by WizKids. It is played on a 9×9 board, and each player controls a set of 8 pieces (colored oxblood or ivory).

Why is Oshi Popular?

Oshi is a popular game because it is a strategy board game that combines elements of Japanese legend and culture with a simple yet challenging gameplay mechanic. The game’s popularity can also be attributed to its quick setup time and playing time, making it accessible and enjoyable for players of various skill levels and ages.

Game Components of Oshi

– 9×9 board
– 8 pieces per player (colored oxblood or ivory)
– Instructions sheet

Game Setup of Oshi

1. Prepare the 9×9 board.2. Each player chooses a color and takes 8 pieces.3. Place the pieces on the board according to the instructions sheet.

Gameplay Mechanics of Oshi

The goal of the game is to push 7 points worth of your opponent’s pieces off the board. Players take turns moving their pieces, and the game ends when one player has pushed all of their opponent’s pieces off the board or when one player has no more moves.

Game Objective of Oshi

The objective of the game is to push 7 points worth of your opponent’s pieces off the board.

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