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Operation Solace (1990) Board Game

Operation Solace is a wargame set during the Vietnam War, released in 1990 by Kokusai-Tsushin Co., Ltd. and XTR Corp. The game allows players to simulate historical battles and events during the conflict in a strategic manner.

Game Components of Operation Solace

  • Game board with hexagon grid
  • Dice
  • Tokens representing military units
  • Event cards
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Operation Solace

  • Place the game board on a flat surface.
  • Each player chooses a side and receives their military unit tokens.
  • Shuffle the event cards and place them face down.
  • Roll the dice to determine starting positions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns moving their military units across the hexagon grid, engaging in battles and strategic maneuvers. Event cards can impact gameplay, adding an element of unpredictability. The objective is to achieve victory through controlling key points on the board and defeating enemy units.

    Player Experience


  • Historical setting adds depth to gameplay
  • Strategic depth and decision-making
  • Engaging for fans of wargames and military history
  • Cons

  • Long runtime may be daunting for some players
  • Complexity may be off-putting for beginners
  • Personal Thoughts on Operation Solace

    Operation Solace offers a deep and immersive experience for players interested in the Vietnam War and wargaming. The game components are well-designed and the gameplay mechanics provide a challenging and rewarding experience. However, the long runtime and complexity may not suit all players, especially those new to the genre. Overall, Operation Solace is worth considering for fans of wargames looking for a detailed and historically accurate simulation of the Vietnam War. It may not be suitable for casual gamers or those looking for a quick and light gaming experience.

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