A book cover titled "OPERATION PEGASUS" showing a helicopter with soldiers disembarking, and the text "TASK FORCE GAME #8" at the bottom.
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Operation Pegasus (1980)

Operation Pegasus

“Operation Pegasus” is a board wargame published by Task Force Games that simulates the 1968 Battle of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam War. The game covers the drive of the U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division to relieve Khe Sahn in April of 1968. It is a turn-based wargame that focuses on the campaign to break the siege of Khe Sahn.

Why is Operation Pegasus Popular?

The game is popular and significant because it simulates a pivotal moment in history, the Battle of Khe Sanh, which took place during the Vietnam War. The battle was a major conflict between the United States and North Vietnamese forces, and the game allows players to reenact this historic event. Additionally, the game is designed by Task Force Games, a well-known publisher of board wargames, which adds to its credibility and appeal to wargaming enthusiasts.

Game Components of Operation Pegasus

The Game Components of Operation Pegasus include:
– Board
– Counters
– Chits
– Cards
– Dice

Game Setup of Operation Pegasus

Prepare the board and place the necessary markers and tokens.Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a draw pile.Each player is dealt a hand of cards.Determine the starting player and begin the game.

Gameplay Mechanics of Operation Pegasus

The game is played in turns, with each player taking turns to move their units and execute actions. Players can use their cards to activate units, perform actions, and gain additional actions. The goal is to break the siege of Khe Sahn and achieve victory points.

Game Objective of Operation Pegasus

The Game Objective of Operation Pegasus is to break the siege of Khe Sahn and achieve victory points. Players can achieve victory points by capturing enemy units, controlling key locations, and completing objectives. The player who reaches the specified victory point threshold first wins the game.

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