Box of the board game "Operation" showing a cartoon image of a patient on an operating table with doctors, and the text "Make him better or get the buzzer!" Ages 6 and above mentioned, with Hasbro Gaming logo.
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Operation (1965)


Operation is a battery-operated game of physical skill that tests players’ hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. The game’s prototype was invented in 1964 by University of Illinois industrial-design student John Spinello, who sold his rights to renowned toy designer Marvin Glass for $500 and the promise of a job upon graduation, which was not fulfilled. Initially produced by Milton Bradley in 1965, Operation is currently produced by Hasbro, with an estimated franchise worth $40 million.

Why is Operation Popular?

Operation is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by generations of players. It is significant because it challenges players to perform surgery on a patient named Cavity Sam with a pair of wired metal tweezers, without touching the metal sides of a cavity, or else be penalized by a buzzer. The game is not only fun but also helps hone fine motor skills.

Game Components of Operation

– Game board
– Plastic body parts
– Tweezers
– Cards

Game Setup of Operation

1. Place the game board on a flat surface.2. Insert batteries into the battery compartment.3. Place the plastic body parts into the cavities on the game board.4. Shuffle the cards and place them face down on the game board.

Gameplay Mechanics of Operation

Players take turns drawing a card and attempting to remove the corresponding body part from Cavity Sam using the tweezers. If the tweezers touch the metal sides of the cavity, a buzzer sounds, and the player’s turn ends. The player who successfully removes the most body parts without setting off the buzzer wins.

Game Objective of Operation

The objective of the game is to remove the most body parts from Cavity Sam without setting off the buzzer.

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