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On a Scale of One to T-Rex (2019) Board Game

‘On a Scale of One to T-Rex’ is a humor party game designed by Wolfgang Warsch and published by Exploding Kittens in in 2019. The game is known for its chaotic and hilarious gameplay that involves players acting out different scenarios based on a scale of one to ten, with T-Rex being the highest level of intensity.

Game Components of On a Scale of One to T-Rex

  • 100 Scenario Cards
  • 32 Intensity Cards
  • 70 Token Cards
  • 2 Foam T-Rex Arms
  • How To Setup On a Scale of One to T-Rex

  • Shuffle the Scenario Cards and place them face down in the center of the playing area.
  • Each player is dealt a hand of Token Cards.
  • Decide on a player to be the judge for the first round.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns being the judge and drawing a Scenario Card. The judge reads the scenario aloud and assigns an intensity level from one to ten. Players must then act out the scenario using their Token Cards to match the intensity level assigned by the judge. The player who best matches the intensity level wins the round. The game continues until a player reaches a set number of points.

    Player Experience


  • Hilarious and engaging gameplay
  • Easy to learn and quick to play
  • Encourages creativity and improvisation
  • Fun for players of all ages
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Some scenarios may be difficult for younger players
  • Requires a good sense of humor and willingness to be silly
  • Personal Thoughts on On a Scale of One to T-Rex

    ‘On a Scale of One to T-Rex’ is a fun and entertaining party game that is perfect for gatherings with friends and family. The game’s humor and creativity make it a hit with players of all ages, and the T-Rex arms add a silly and exciting element to the gameplay. While the game may not have as much replay value as some other party games, it is still worth checking out for its unique concept and engaging gameplay. Overall, ‘On a Scale of One to T-Rex’ is a great addition to any game night and is sure to provide plenty of laughs and memorable moments.

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