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OlymPeak (2011) Board Game

OlymPeak is a board game released in 2011, designed by Sagit Ben-Yehuda and Avraham Yoffe. The game is set in the world of Greek mythology, where players take on the roles of gods competing to become the ruler of Mount Olympus. With its unique theme and engaging gameplay, OlymPeak has gained popularity among board game enthusiasts.

Game Components of OlymPeak

  • Game board
  • Player cards
  • Action cards
  • Objective cards
  • Tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup OlymPeak

  • Place the game board in the center of the playing area.
  • Shuffle the player cards and deal them to each player.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down.
  • Each player receives a set of tokens.
  • Place the objective cards in a stack within reach of all players.
  • Follow the setup instructions in the rulebook for specific player counts.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In OlymPeak, players take turns playing action cards to gain power and influence over Mount Olympus. The objective of the game is to achieve the highest level of power and become the ruler of the gods. Players must strategize and outmaneuver their opponents to achieve victory.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme of Greek mythology
  • Strategic gameplay with simultaneous action selection
  • Suitable for 2-6 players, best with 5-6 players
  • Quick runtime of 30 minutes
  • Suitable for players aged 8 and above
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction
  • Luck-based elements in card draws
  • Some players may find the game mechanics repetitive
  • Personal Thoughts on OlymPeak

    OlymPeak is a well-designed board game that offers a unique and immersive experience in the world of Greek mythology. The game components are of high quality, with beautiful artwork by Eran Michalovitz. While the game may not appeal to all players due to its luck-based elements, it is a great choice for those who enjoy strategic gameplay and mythological themes.

    In terms of pricing and availability, OlymPeak can be found both new and used at various retailers. The game falls under the card game and mythology categories, making it a niche but interesting choice for fans of these genres. For those looking for alternatives or similar games, titles like Santorini and 7 Wonders may offer a similar experience.

    Overall, OlymPeak is a game worth your time if you enjoy strategic gameplay and Greek mythology. It is suitable for players aged 8 and above, making it a great choice for families and casual gamers. However, those looking for intense player interaction or non-luck-based gameplay mechanics may want to skip this title.

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