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Ökolopoly (1983) Board Game

Ökolopoly is a German board game that was released in in 1983. Designed by Peter Schimmel, the game focuses on environmental and economic themes, making it both educational and entertaining for players. With artwork by Otto Maier Verlag and Ravensburger, Ökolopoly has become a classic in the city building and economic board game genre.

Game Components of Ökolopoly:

  • Game board
  • Player tokens
  • Event cards
  • Industry cards
  • Pollution markers
  • Money tokens
  • Action points tokens
  • How To Setup Ökolopoly:

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a token and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the event and industry cards and place them in designated areas on the board.
  • Give each player a set amount of money tokens.
  • Place pollution markers on the board according to the setup instructions.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective:

    Players take turns rolling dice and moving their tokens around the board. They can choose to take actions such as building industries, investing in renewable energy, or participating in environmental events. The objective of the game is to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability and reach the highest score by the end of the game.

    Player Experience:


  • Educational and thought-provoking gameplay
  • Cooperative elements promote teamwork
  • Strategic decisions impact the outcome of the game
  • Engaging theme related to environmental issues
  • Cons:

  • Complex rules may be overwhelming for new players
  • Limited replayability after mastering strategies
  • Luck element with dice rolls may frustrate some players
  • Personal Thoughts on Ökolopoly:

    Ökolopoly is a well-designed board game that successfully combines educational elements with entertaining gameplay. The build quality of the components is solid, and the thematic category of the game adds depth to the overall experience. While the pricing and availability of Ökolopoly may vary, both new and used copies are worth considering for players interested in city building and economic simulation games. Alternatives and similar games include Power Grid and Catan, but Ökolopoly stands out for its unique focus on environmental issues. Overall, Ökolopoly is worth your time if you enjoy strategic gameplay and want to explore the intersection of economics and environmentalism. It is recommended for players aged 12 and above, while those looking for simpler games may want to skip this one.

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