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Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition (2014) Board Game

Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition is a bluffing and party game designed by Springer & Jacoby and published by Ravensburger in in 2014. It is a smaller version of the original game, making it more portable and convenient for travel or smaller gatherings. The game is designed for 2-4 players, with a runtime of around 30 minutes.

Game Components of Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition

  • Game board
  • Question cards
  • Voting cards
  • Answer sheets
  • Pencils
  • How To Setup Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Shuffle the question cards and place them face down.
  • Each player receives an answer sheet and pencil.
  • Choose a starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition, players take turns being the “judge” and reading out a question card. The other players must then come up with a fake answer that they think the judge will believe is correct. The judge must then guess which answer is the real one. Points are awarded based on correct guesses.

    The objective of the game is to bluff your opponents successfully and trick the judge into believing your fake answer is the real one.

    Player Experience


  • Portable and convenient for travel or small gatherings
  • Quick gameplay that is easy to learn
  • Encourages creativity and bluffing skills
  • Cons:

  • Limited replayability due to a smaller number of question cards
  • Can be repetitive after multiple plays
  • Personal Thoughts on Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition

    Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition is a fun and light-hearted party game that is perfect for casual get-togethers or game nights. The mini edition is great for on-the-go entertainment, but the limited number of question cards may lead to some repetition after multiple plays. Overall, the game offers a unique twist on bluffing games and can provide hours of entertainment for the right audience.

    In terms of build quality, the game components are sturdy and well-made, ensuring durability for multiple plays. The pricing and availability of Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition may vary, but it can typically be found at a reasonable price for a party game.

    For those who enjoy bluffing games and social deduction, Nobody is Perfect: Mini Edition is worth your time. However, if you are looking for a game with more depth or complexity, you may want to consider other options. Overall, this game is recommended for casual gamers and those looking for a light-hearted party game experience.

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