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Nine Holes (1976)

Nine Holes

Nine Holes is a two-player abstract strategy game that is centuries old and was very popular in England. It is related to tic-tac-toe, but even more related to three men’s morris, Achi, Tant Fant, Shisima, Picaria, and Dara, because pieces are moved on the board to create the 3 in-a-row. It is an alignment game.

Why is Nine Holes Popular?

Nine Holes is a simple and easy-to-learn game that can be played by children and adults alike. It is a great alternative to tic-tac-toe when you are on the go with kids, and can be played with just a pen, paper, and six coins. Playing games like this can help kids build a strong foundation for learning future skills like coding and mathematics.

Game Components of Nine Holes

A 3 x 3 peg board is preferable. The board can be easily drawn on the ground or paper. Each player has 3 pieces. One plays the black pieces, and the other plays the white pieces, however, any two colors or distinguishable objects will suffice.

Game Setup of Nine Holes

The board is empty in the beginning. Players decide what colors to play, and who will start first.

Gameplay Mechanics of Nine Holes

The game is played through two stages:Drop phase: Each player drops one piece per turn on any vacant space on the board. Players alternate their turns. Pieces cannot move until all three pieces have been dropped.Move phase: After each player’s three pieces have been dropped on the board, each player can move a piece to any vacant space on the board. Only one piece can be moved per turn. Players can create the 3 in-a-row at either the drop phase or move phase, and win the game.

Game Objective of Nine Holes

The objective of the game is to create a 3 in-a-row of one’s pieces either horizontally or vertically. Diagonals do not count.

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