Photo of the "Mystery Date Game Nostalgia Edition" box, featuring illustrated characters dressed in various outfits and a question mark-covered door with a man in a tuxedo peeking out. Text on the box reads "Meet your secret admirer!" and indicates the game is for "AGES 8+."
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Mystery Date (1965)

Mystery Date Board Game

Mystery Date is a board game released by Milton Bradley in 1965, conceived by Marvin Glass and created by Henry Stan. The game is designed for 2 to 4 players and is suitable for girls aged 6 to 14.


The objective of the game is to acquire a desirable date while avoiding the “dud”. Players must assemble an outfit by acquiring three matching color-coded cards, which must match the outfit of the date at the “mystery door”. The date is revealed by spinning the door handle and opening the plastic door on the game board. The five possible dates are the “formal dance” date, the “bowling” date, the “beach” date, the “skiing” date, and the “dud”. If the player’s outfit does not match the date behind the door, the door is closed, and play continues.

Popularity and Reissues

The game is popular and significant because it was one of the iconic board games of the 1960s. It is considered a classic and nostalgic game that has been reissued over the years. The game’s premise and artwork are simple yet ingenious, making it a sought-after game from the 1960s.

Game Components of Mystery Date

– 1 Standard Die
– 4 Girl Playing Pieces
– Game Board with Original Artwork
– 48 Outfit Cards
– Mystery Date Door with Photos of Dates Inside
– Rules

Gameplay Mechanics and Setup of Mystery Date

Each player chooses a playing piece and takes turns rolling the die. Players move their pieces around the board according to the die roll and follow the instructions on the board. The first player to assemble a complete matching ensemble wins the game.

Player Experience

Mystery Date is a simple and engaging game that combines elements of chance and skill. Players enjoy the suspense of revealing the date behind the door and the challenge of matching their outfit cards. The game is suitable for a wide range of ages and has been passed down through generations, making it a classic and nostalgic experience for many.

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