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Mutton (2009) Board Game

Mutton is a two-player board game released in 2009 by designer Néstor Romeral Andrés. It falls under the categories of bluffing and deduction, with a focus on secret unit deployment. The game features artwork by Gamerz.net and nestorgames, adding to its visual appeal.

Game Components of Mutton

  • Game board
  • Sheep tokens
  • Wolf token
  • Fence tokens
  • Player screens
  • How To Setup Mutton

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player takes a set of sheep tokens and a player screen.
  • Shuffle the fence tokens and place them face down near the board.
  • Decide who will play as the sheep and who will play as the wolf.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Mutton, the sheep player must strategically place their sheep tokens on the board and protect them from the wolf player. The wolf player must try to guess the location of the sheep and capture them before they reach safety. Players take turns moving their tokens and using deduction to outsmart their opponent. The game ends when all the sheep are captured or safely reach the other side of the board.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 30 minutes.
  • Engaging bluffing and deduction mechanics.
  • Strategic depth in planning sheep movements.
  • Cons

  • Limited replayability with only two players.
  • Lack of variety in game components.
  • Personal Thoughts on Mutton

    Mutton offers a unique take on the hidden movement genre with its theme of sheep and wolves. While the game has its strengths in strategic gameplay and player interaction, it may not appeal to those looking for more complex board games. The build quality of the components is decent, but the lack of variety may deter some players from repeated plays. Overall, Mutton is worth considering for casual gamers who enjoy tactical challenges, but may not be suitable for those seeking deeper gameplay experiences.

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