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Movie Plotz (2014) Board Game

Movie Plotz is a card game released in 2014, designed by Jason Tagmire and featuring artwork by Button Shy and Cybergecko. It falls under the category of card games with a movies/TV/radio theme, perfect for a fun party game night. The game is suitable for 2 to 12 players, with a runtime of around 15 minutes, making it a quick and enjoyable game for players of all ages.

Game Components of Movie Plotz

  • Cards featuring various movie genres and plot points
  • Instruction booklet
  • How To Setup Movie Plotz

  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Deal a set number of cards to each player, depending on the number of players.
  • Choose a starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns creating a movie plot by playing cards with different genres and plot points. The objective is to come up with the most entertaining and creative plot based on the cards played.

    Player Experience


  • Quick and easy to learn
  • Encourages creativity and storytelling
  • Fun for movie buffs
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Lack of strategic depth
  • Personal Thoughts on Movie Plotz

    Movie Plotz is a light and entertaining game that is perfect for casual game nights with friends or family. While it may not offer a deep gaming experience, it does provide a fun way to spark creativity and storytelling. The build quality of the game is decent, and the pricing is reasonable for what you get.

    If you enjoy movie-themed games and are looking for a lighthearted party game, Movie Plotz is worth your time. However, if you prefer games with more strategic depth, you may find this game lacking. It is suitable for players of all ages, but movie enthusiasts will likely appreciate it the most. Overall, Movie Plotz is a fun addition to any game collection, but it may not be for everyone.

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