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MOON (2019) Board Game

MOON is an abstract strategy board game that was released in in 2019. It was designed by Pablo Garaizar and is suitable for 1-4 players, with a runtime of 15-30 minutes. The game falls under the categories of Abstract Strategy, Educational, and Math, making it a unique and engaging choice for players looking to exercise their strategic thinking skills.

Game Components of MOON

  • Game board
  • Moon pieces
  • Player tokens
  • Instruction manual
  • How To Setup MOON

  • Place the game board in the center of the play area.
  • Each player selects a color and takes the corresponding player tokens.
  • Randomly place the Moon pieces on the board.
  • Follow the instructions in the manual for any additional setup rules.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In MOON, players take turns moving their tokens around the board to collect Moon pieces. The objective is to strategically navigate the board and collect the most Moon pieces by the end of the game. Players must plan their moves carefully to outwit their opponents and secure victory.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging and strategic gameplay
  • Educational elements for math enthusiasts
  • Quick runtime makes it suitable for short gaming sessions
  • Cons

  • Limited replay value
  • Lack of variety in gameplay mechanics
  • Personal Thoughts on MOON

    MOON is a solid abstract strategy game that offers a unique twist with its educational math elements. While the gameplay may lack some variety, it still provides a fun and challenging experience for players. The build quality of the game is decent, and the pricing is reasonable for the components included. Overall, MOON is worth considering for those who enjoy abstract strategy games with a mathematical twist. However, players seeking more complex gameplay or variety may want to explore alternative options.

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