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Monumental (2020) Board Game

Monumental is a board game that was released in 2020 by designer Matthew Dunstan and published by Funforge. It falls under the categories of civilization, fighting, and territory building, and it is designed for 1 to 4 players, with the best player count being 2 to

  • The game features beautiful artwork by Tey Bartolome, Georges Bouchelaghem, Hendry Iwanaga, and Agri Karuniawan.
  • Game Components of Monumental

  • Modular game board
  • Player boards
  • Miniatures
  • Resource tokens
  • Action cards
  • Player markers
  • Civilization cards
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Monumental

  • Set up the modular game board.
  • Each player chooses a civilization and takes the corresponding player board, miniatures, and markers.
  • Shuffle the civilization and action cards, placing them in their designated areas on the board.
  • Place the resource tokens and dice within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Monumental, players will take turns building their civilizations, expanding their territories, and engaging in combat with other players. The game features mechanics such as action queue, area movement, deck, bag, and pool building, hand management, and a modular board. The objective of the game is to accumulate the most victory points by the end of the game through various means such as conquering territories, developing technologies, and constructing monuments.

    Player Experience


  • Beautiful artwork and miniatures
  • Engaging gameplay with a good balance of strategy and luck
  • Multiple paths to victory, allowing for varied gameplay experiences
  • Replayability with different civilizations and strategies to explore
  • Cons:

  • Learning curve for new players
  • Setup and cleanup can be time-consuming
  • Some luck involved in combat resolution
  • Personal Thoughts on Monumental

    Monumental is a visually stunning game with a depth of gameplay that appeals to fans of civilization-building and strategy games. The components are of high quality, and the game offers a challenging and rewarding experience for those willing to invest the time to learn its mechanics. While the game may not be suitable for casual gamers due to its complexity, it is a great choice for players looking for a deep and immersive gaming experience. The pricing and availability of the game may vary, but for enthusiasts of the genre, it is worth the investment. Players who enjoy games like Through the Ages or Clash of Cultures may find Monumental to be a worthy addition to their collection. Overall, Monumental is a game that is worth your time if you enjoy strategic gameplay and are looking for a challenging and engaging experience.

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