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Monsters of the Midway (1982)

Monsters of the Midway Board Game

Monsters of the Midway is a board game that was published in a 1982 edition of Dragon magazine by TSR. The game is a fantasy-themed American football game where players draft monsters to create their teams. The game is based on the nickname of the National Football League’s Chicago Bears, which was originally used for the University of Chicago Maroons football team. The nickname “Monsters of the Midway” referred to the team’s location in the Midway Plaisance, a park located in the Hyde Park community area of Chicago.

Game Components of Monsters of the Midway

– Game board
– Player cards
– Monster cards
– Dice

Game Setup of Monsters of the Midway

– Players draft monsters to create their teams
– Each player chooses a team color and takes the corresponding player cards
– Each player takes a turn to place their monsters on the game board

Gameplay Mechanics of Monsters of the Midway

– Players take turns rolling dice to move their monsters on the game board
– When a monster lands on a space occupied by an opposing monster, a battle occurs
– Battles are resolved by rolling dice and comparing the results to the monster’s stats on their player card
– The game includes various fantasy characters taking the place of football players

Game Objective of Monsters of the Midway

The objective of Monsters of the Midway is to score more points than the opposing team by moving the ball down the field and into the opponent’s end zone.

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