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Marvel Battlegrounds (2020) Board Game

Marvel Battlegrounds is a board game released in 2020, designed by Diego Sá and featuring artwork by Bucaneiros Jogos. The game is set in the Marvel universe, allowing players to take on the roles of various iconic characters as they battle it out in a card game filled with conflict resolution, negotiation, and variable player powers.

Game Components of Marvel Battlegrounds

  • Game board
  • Character cards
  • Action cards
  • Power tokens
  • Damage tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Marvel Battlegrounds

  • Lay out the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a character card and takes the corresponding action cards and power tokens.
  • Shuffle the action cards and place them face down on the board.
  • Place the damage tokens within reach of all players.
  • Follow any additional setup instructions based on the number of players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Marvel Battlegrounds, players engage in card play conflict resolution, hand management, negotiation, and utilize their character’s unique powers to defeat their opponents. The objective of the game is to be the last player standing by eliminating your opponents through strategic gameplay and clever use of your character’s abilities.

    Player Experience


  • Exciting gameplay with the chance to play as beloved Marvel characters.
  • Strategic depth with variable player powers and negotiation elements.
  • High-quality components and artwork add to the immersive experience.
  • Cons

  • Gameplay can be lengthy, especially with a full player count.
  • Learning curve for new players due to the various mechanics and abilities.
  • Personal Thoughts on Marvel Battlegrounds

    Marvel Battlegrounds offers a unique and engaging experience for fans of the Marvel universe and board games alike. The game’s blend of card play, negotiation, and variable player powers creates a dynamic and strategic gameplay experience. While the game may have a learning curve for new players, the depth of gameplay and immersive theme make it worth the investment. The build quality of the components and artwork enhance the overall experience, making it a solid choice for those looking for a competitive and engaging board game.

    Overall, Marvel Battlegrounds is a game that offers a good balance of strategy, theme, and player interaction. It may not be suitable for casual gamers or those looking for a quick play session, but for fans of the Marvel universe and board games with depth, it is definitely worth checking out.

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