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Mandala Stones (2021) Board Game

Mandala Stones is a beautifully designed abstract strategy game released in 2021 by Board&Dice. It was designed by Filip Głowacz and features stunning artwork by Zbigniew Umgelter. The game is suitable for 2-4 players, with a runtime of around 30 minutes and recommended for ages 10 and up. With its unique gameplay mechanics and captivating visuals, Mandala Stones has quickly gained popularity among board game enthusiasts.

Game Components of Mandala Stones

  • Mandala Stones game board
  • Wooden stones in four different colors
  • Pattern tiles
  • Scoreboard and markers
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Mandala Stones

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Place the wooden stones in a supply next to the board.
  • Shuffle the pattern tiles and place them face down.
  • Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding markers.
  • Determine the first player and start the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Mandala Stones, players take turns collecting stones and creating patterns on the board. By strategically layering stones and utilizing pattern tiles, players aim to score the most points by the end of the game. The game combines elements of set collection, pattern building, and variable set-up to create a dynamic and engaging experience.

    Player Experience


  • Beautiful and intricate artwork
  • Strategic depth with simple rules
  • Quick gameplay that keeps players engaged
  • Variable set-up adds replay value
  • Cons:

  • Limited player interaction
  • Some luck involved with drawing pattern tiles
  • Personal Thoughts on Mandala Stones

    Mandala Stones is a visually stunning game that offers a unique gameplay experience. The build quality is excellent, with durable components that enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the game. While the category of abstract strategy may not appeal to all players, those who enjoy strategic thinking and pattern recognition will find Mandala Stones to be a worthwhile addition to their collection.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Mandala Stones is reasonably priced for the quality of components and gameplay it offers. Both new and used copies can be found online, making it accessible to a wide range of players. As for alternatives and similar games, Mandala Stones stands out for its elegant design and engaging gameplay, making it a standout choice in the abstract strategy genre.

    Overall, Mandala Stones is worth your time if you enjoy strategic, visually appealing games that challenge your thinking skills. It is suitable for players who appreciate abstract strategy games and are looking for a fresh and engaging experience. On the other hand, those who prefer more social or luck-based games may want to skip Mandala Stones in favor of other options.

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