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Make ‘n’ Break Circus (2014) Board Game

Make ‘n’ Break Circus is a fun and exciting board game that was released in in 2014. Designed by Joachim Krause and Walter Pepperle, this game is perfect for children ages 6 and up. The game is all about pattern building, stacking, and balancing, making it a great option for those who enjoy action and dexterity games.

Game Components of Make ‘n’ Break Circus

  • Game board
  • Circus tent
  • 4 acrobats
  • 4 cannonballs
  • 4 wheels
  • 8 building blocks
  • 24 task cards
  • 1 die
  • How To Setup Make ‘n’ Break Circus

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Place the circus tent on the board.
  • Shuffle the task cards and place them face down.
  • Each player chooses an acrobat and places it on the circus tent.
  • Place the building blocks, cannonballs, and wheels within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    The objective of Make ‘n’ Break Circus is to complete the tasks on the task cards by stacking and balancing the building blocks, cannonballs, and wheels. Players take turns rolling the die and following the instructions on the task cards. The first player to complete a certain number of tasks wins the game.

    Player Experience


  • Fun and engaging gameplay for children
  • Helps improve hand-eye coordination and motor skills
  • Colorful and visually appealing components
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Can be frustrating for younger players if they have difficulty balancing the pieces
  • Personal Thoughts on Make ‘n’ Break Circus

    Make ‘n’ Break Circus is a great game for children who enjoy action and dexterity games. The game is well-designed with colorful components that are visually appealing. However, the game may lack replay value for some players, as the tasks can become repetitive after multiple plays. Overall, Make ‘n’ Break Circus is worth your time if you are looking for a fun and engaging game for children. It may not be suitable for those who prefer more complex and strategic games.

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