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Make It Happen (2020) Board Game

Make It Happen is a card game released in 2020 by Indie Boards & Cards. It is designed for 2 to 12 players and has a runtime of around 30 minutes. The game falls under the category of a team-based card game, focusing on set collection mechanics. Players must work together to achieve various goals and objectives in order to win the game.

Game Components of Make It Happen

  • Set of goal cards
  • Set of action cards
  • Player reference cards
  • Score tracker
  • How To Setup Make It Happen

  • Shuffle the goal cards and place them in the center of the table.
  • Deal each player a set number of action cards.
  • Choose teams and assign roles within each team.
  • Decide on a starting player.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Make It Happen, players must work together in teams to achieve various goals set by the goal cards. Players take turns performing actions to collect the necessary resources and complete the goals. The team that completes the most goals by the end of the game wins.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging team-based gameplay
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Quick and easy to learn
  • Cons:

  • Limited player count
  • Some goals may feel repetitive after multiple plays
  • Personal Thoughts on Make It Happen

    Make It Happen is a well-designed card game that offers a fun and engaging experience for players looking for a team-based game with set collection mechanics. The build quality of the game is solid, and the artwork is visually appealing. The game is priced reasonably and is readily available in both new and used markets.

    For those who enjoy cooperative gameplay and strategic decision-making, Make It Happen is definitely worth your time. However, players who prefer games with a higher player count or those who do not enjoy set collection mechanics may want to skip this game. Alternatives to Make It Happen include games like Codenames and Hanabi, which offer similar team-based gameplay experiences.

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