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Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur (1974) Board Game

Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur is a board game released in 1974 that focuses on the military campaigns led by General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War and World War II. Designed by Research Games, Inc., Athol, RGI, ARC, and Waddingtons, this game offers players the opportunity to simulate key battles and strategic decisions made by one of the most famous American military leaders.

Game Components of Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur

  • Game board
  • Rulebook
  • Counter sheets
  • Dice
  • How To Setup Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur

  • Place the game board on a flat surface.
  • Separate the counter sheets and organize them based on player preferences.
  • Read the rulebook to understand the game mechanics and objectives.
  • Roll the dice to determine starting positions and other random factors.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur, players use action points, dice rolling, and point-to-point movement to simulate military campaigns led by General Douglas MacArthur. The objective is to strategically plan and execute battles in order to achieve victory over the opponent.

    Player Experience


  • Offers historical insight into the military campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur.
  • Provides a challenging and strategic gameplay experience.
  • Suitable for players interested in Korean War and World War II history.
  • Cons:

  • Game components may be outdated compared to modern board games.
  • Gameplay mechanics may be complex for casual players.
  • Personal Thoughts on Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur

    As a fan of historical board games, I found Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur to be an interesting and engaging experience. The game provides a unique perspective on the military strategies employed by General MacArthur and offers a challenging gameplay experience for those interested in war simulations. However, the outdated components and complex mechanics may deter casual players from fully enjoying the game. Overall, I believe Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur is worth exploring for history buffs and strategy game enthusiasts, but may not be suitable for those seeking a more modern board game experience.

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