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Made for Trade (1984) Board Game

Made for Trade is a classic board game that was released in in 1984. It is designed by Elizabeth Lada and published by Aristoplay. The game is aimed at children aged 8 and above, and it falls under the categories of Children’s Game, Civilization, and Educational. The game involves trading and set collection mechanics, making it a fun and educational experience for players.

Game Components of Made for Trade

  • Game board
  • 6 player pawns
  • 6 player cards
  • 60 trading cards
  • 6 “Made for Trade” cards
  • 6 city cards
  • 6 resource cards
  • 6 trade cards
  • 1 die
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup Made for Trade

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses a player pawn and places it on the starting space.
  • Shuffle the trading cards and place them face down on the designated space on the board.
  • Give each player a player card, city card, resource card, and trade card.
  • Roll the die to determine who goes first.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Made for Trade, players take turns rolling the die and moving their pawns around the board. The objective is to collect sets of trading cards and trade them in for points. Players can also trade with each other to complete their sets and earn more points. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

    Player Experience


  • Educational and fun for children
  • Teaches strategic thinking and trading skills
  • Easy to learn and play
  • Colorful and engaging artwork
  • Cons:

  • Can get repetitive after multiple plays
  • Luck based on dice rolls can affect gameplay
  • Limited player interaction
  • Personal Thoughts on Made for Trade

    Made for Trade is a well-designed and engaging board game that is perfect for children and families. The game provides a good mix of educational value and entertainment, making it an enjoyable experience for players of all ages. The game components are of good quality, and the artwork is vibrant and eye-catching. The game is reasonably priced and can be found in both new and used conditions. Overall, Made for Trade is worth your time, especially if you enjoy games that involve trading and set collection mechanics. It is recommended for families, casual gamers, and anyone looking for a fun and educational board game experience. Players who prefer more complex games with intense strategy may want to skip this one in favor of other options.

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