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Lovecraft Letter (2017) Board Game

Lovecraft Letter is a spin-off of the popular card game Love Letter, designed by Seiji Kanai and published by Alderac Entertainment Group in in 2017. This version of the game incorporates elements of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, adding a dark and eerie twist to the original game.

Game Components of Lovecraft Letter

  • 25 Game cards
  • 6 Reference cards
  • 13 Madness tokens
  • 1 Bag of Cthulhu
  • How To Setup Lovecraft Letter

  • Shuffle the game cards and deal one card face-down to each player.
  • Place the remaining cards in the center of the table, creating a draw pile.
  • Give each player a reference card.
  • Place the madness tokens and Bag of Cthulhu within reach of all players.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In Lovecraft Letter, players take on the roles of investigators exploring the world of H.P. Lovecraft’s stories. The objective of the game is to be the last player standing, by eliminating other players or being the last player with sanity remaining.

    Players take turns drawing and playing cards with different abilities in order to achieve their goal. The game incorporates deduction, hand management, player elimination, push your luck, and take that mechanics.

    Player Experience


  • Quick gameplay with a runtime of 5-15 minutes
  • Dark and immersive theme inspired by Lovecraft’s works
  • Strategic depth with various card abilities and interactions
  • Cons:

  • Can be challenging for new players to grasp all the rules and strategies
  • Player elimination mechanic may not appeal to all players
  • Personal Thoughts on Lovecraft Letter

    Lovecraft Letter offers a unique twist on the original Love Letter game, appealing to fans of H.P. Lovecraft and those who enjoy dark and suspenseful themes. The game’s components are well-designed, with beautiful artwork by Vincent Dutrait and Kouji Ogata.

    In terms of pricing and availability, Lovecraft Letter is reasonably priced and can be found both new and used online. As for alternatives and similar games, fans of deduction and card games may also enjoy games like Coup or One Night Ultimate Werewolf.

    Overall, Lovecraft Letter is worth your time if you enjoy quick and strategic card games with a touch of horror and mystery. It is recommended for players aged 10 and above, but those who prefer lighter games or dislike player elimination mechanics may want to skip this one.

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