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Lost in R’lyeh (2016) Board Game

Lost in R’lyeh is a card game that was released in 2016 by designer Kedric Winks and published by Atlas Games. The game is based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft and takes place in the eerie underwater city of R’lyeh. Players must navigate through this mysterious city, avoiding the dangers that lurk within.

Game Components of Lost in R’lyeh

  • Rulebook
  • 72 Lost cards
  • 32 Elder Sign cards
  • 12 Scoring cards
  • 6 Player Aid cards
  • 6 Pawns
  • How To Setup Lost in R’lyeh

  • Shuffle the Lost cards and place them face down in the middle of the play area.
  • Shuffle the Elder Sign cards and deal one to each player.
  • Place the Scoring cards and Player Aid cards within reach of all players.
  • Each player chooses a pawn and places it on the starting space.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    Players take turns drawing Lost cards and encountering various challenges. They must use their Elder Sign cards strategically to overcome obstacles and avoid being eliminated. The objective of the game is to be the last player standing, or to be the first player to reach the exit with an Elder Sign card.

    Player Experience


  • Engaging theme based on Lovecraftian horror
  • Simple gameplay mechanics that are easy to learn
  • Strategic decision-making and player interaction
  • Cons:

  • Player elimination can lead to some players being left out early on
  • Limited replayability due to the fixed nature of the cards
  • Some luck involved in drawing cards
  • Personal Thoughts on Lost in R’lyeh

    Lost in R’lyeh is a fun and thematic card game that captures the essence of Lovecraftian horror. The artwork by Kelley Hensing is beautifully done and adds to the overall atmosphere of the game. However, the player elimination aspect may not be enjoyable for everyone, as it can leave some players feeling left out.

    In terms of build quality, the components are well-made and durable. The pricing of the game is reasonable, making it accessible to a wide range of players. It is worth checking out for fans of Lovecraftian horror and those who enjoy strategic card games. However, those who do not enjoy player elimination games may want to skip this one.

    Overall, Lost in R’lyeh offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that is worth exploring for those interested in the genre.

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