A boxed board game titled "Lords & Wizards: Conquer and Rule an Empire" with fantasy-themed illustrations on the cover, including a wizard, knights, a castle, and a dragon. Design credits go to Adam L. Gruen and graphics by Mike Gilbert from Fantasy Games Unlimited, Inc.
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Lords & Wizards (1977)

Lords & Wizards

“Lords & Wizards” is a fantasy board wargame published by Fantasy Games Unlimited (FGU) in 1977. The game was designed by 16-year-old Adam Gruen, who borrowed components from two SPI wargames to create a fantasy-themed Risk-like game for his friends. The game has gained popularity over the years and was even a finalist for the Charles S. Roberts Award for “Best Fantasy Board Game of 1977” at the 1978 Origins Awards.

Game Components of Lords & Wizards

The Game Components of Lords & Wizards include:
– Isopmorphic maps from Strategy I
– Graphical counters from Dark Ages
– A Legend card for each city and ruin on the map
– Player markers for 2-12 players
– Victory conditions

Game Setup of Lords & Wizards

Each player chooses a leader type (Lord or Wizard) and an alignment (Good, Neutral, or Chaotic) for their leader. The starting place for each player is randomly determined. Players discover the Legend belonging to their starting city and whether it is of use.

Gameplay Mechanics of Lords & Wizards

Lords & Wizards is a wargame of world conquest for 2-12 players. Players control leaders who must explore, conquer, and control territories on the map. Leaders gain experience over time, with Lords gaining a level of experience every three months (six turns) and Wizards gaining a level after four turns spent studying. The game has a never-ending map, borrowing from the isopmorphic maps of Strategy I.

Game Objective of Lords & Wizards

The objective of the game is to conquer territories, control resources, and gain experience to become more powerful. The game ends when one player achieves victory through conquest or other means.

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