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LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy (2013) Board Game

LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy was released in 2013 and designed by Pete Borlace. It is a fantasy-themed abstract strategy board game that involves elements of dice rolling and grid movement. The game is set in the mythical world of Loka, where players take on the roles of elemental armies battling for supremacy.

Game Components of LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy

  • Game board
  • Elemental army miniatures
  • Dice
  • Player tokens
  • Rulebook
  • How To Setup LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy

  • Place the game board in the center of the table.
  • Each player chooses an elemental army and places their miniatures on the designated starting spaces.
  • Shuffle the deck of cards and place it within reach of all players.
  • Determine the first player and begin the game.
  • Gameplay Mechanics and Game Objective

    In LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy, players take turns moving their armies across the board, strategically positioning their units to attack and defend against their opponents. The objective is to eliminate all of your opponent’s units or capture their elemental citadel.

    Player Experience

    Overall, LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. The game combines elements of luck and strategy, making each match unpredictable and exciting. The miniatures are beautifully crafted and add to the immersive fantasy theme of the game.


  • Engaging gameplay that combines luck and strategy
  • Beautifully crafted miniatures
  • Immersive fantasy theme
  • Cons:

  • Limited replay value
  • Rules can be complex for beginners
  • Personal Thoughts on LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy

    As a fan of abstract strategy games, I found LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy to be a refreshing addition to my collection. The game’s build quality is top-notch, with attention to detail evident in the miniatures and game board. While the game may not have as much replay value as some other titles, it is still a worthwhile investment for fans of the genre.

    In terms of pricing and availability, LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy can be found both new and used online. For those looking for alternatives, games like Chess or Stratego offer similar gameplay mechanics. Overall, LOKA: A Game of Elemental Strategy is worth your time if you enjoy abstract strategy games with a fantasy twist. It is recommended for players who appreciate a mix of luck and strategy in their gaming experience.

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